
Winning Smiles with Herbs

Researching natural dental care always seems to bring us around to Dr. Weston A. Price, a famous dentist who studied indigenous people all over the world and discovered that those who were still eating traditional diets had virtually no dental problems but when those...

Back to School Herbal Support

Remember the thrill and the fear we felt as we prepared to go back to school?  Excitement of seeing our friends again, shopping for clothes and school supplies, fears about new teachers and stress about new classes, early morning wake up calls…  It also means being...

Wake Up That Brain!

What if we told you that the answers to many of the imbalances affecting our brain might be sitting right in your own pantry or your gardens.  Things like memory loss, muddled thinking, focus and even Alzheimer’s may be helped by these simple yet profound herbs. The...

Calming Sleep Herbs

Have you found yourself waking up in the middle of the night unable to go back to sleep or laying in bed trying to get to sleep? Do you go to bed exhausted only to find that when you lay down and close your eyes your mind turns on to a myriad of thoughts that now keep...

It Doesn’t Get Much Cheaper Than FREE!

Like all loving, nurturing mothers, our beautiful Mother Earth shares her healing bounty with open arms for all of her children (2 legged, 4 legged, winged ones, creepy crawlers etc.). She provides food, water, medicinal plants air… everything we need to have a...

Be Strong, Yet Calm

We don’t need to tell you that we are in unusual and yes, fearful times on the planet right now. Many people are flocking to herb shops and health food stores across the country looking for help and guidance to curb that fear, anxiety and depression and rightfully so...

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148 N. Center St. Mesa, AZ 85201


(480) 694-9931

Copyright © 2025 SW Herb and Gathering Place